The Psychology of colors:
Color is being used by marketers to affect consumer perception in a variety of ways, from logos to packaging, digital marketing to billboards. Marketers, on the other hand, frequently overlook the fact that colour perception is influenced by the person viewing it, as well as context and socio-cultural factors, colours hold deep meanings with them in every culture. Every culture has its own set of colours, each with its own set of meanings. For example, white may signify innocence in some cultures, but it may also represent death in others. Color symbolism is frequently influenced by religious, spiritual, social, or historical events.
Our association with color changes throughout our lifetime: our knowledge, experience, and exposure change the meaning we associate with color. For example, a child may associate the red color with fire because he likes to play with it, on the other hand, a teenager may think the red fire color is a sign of danger. In the same way, some cultures give importance to certain colors over others; in most cultures, white is preferred to black, because it is associated with goodness.
Similarly, some people associate green with calm and hope, while others identify it with the disease. The point is that understanding cultural differences can help you improve the effectiveness of marketing efforts, especially if you’re a global firm.
The Color Principle:
To understand colour theory, you must first examine the colour wheel. You will notice two things as a result of doing so:

Colors that are warm vs. cool:
The color wheel consists of warm colors (red, orange, yellow, brown) and cool colors (blue, green, indigo, and violet). Warm colors are more effective in gaining attention. A research study, aptly named Red-Hot and Ice-Cold Web Ads claimed that consumers are more likely to click on warm-colored ads because they are more attractive.
Managers can use warm and cool colors to increase or decrease consumer needs, create a calming effect, enhance mood, and even reduce the perception of waiting. The managers must consider the difference in color perception because of age, gender, culture, race, and context before creating their marketing campaigns.
Color and Its Variations:
The second thing we can learn from a colour wheel is that each colour has a range of saturation from light to dark. Apart from saturation, tint, shade, and tone all play a role in achieving the ideal shade for influencing your customer.
As a result, marketers must evaluate these factors and use them in accordance with their brand personality, the perception they want to create in the minds of their consumers, their target audience’s colour association, and their geographic area.
The Relationship between Color Combinations and Conversion Rate:
You probably know that colours influence human thinking and behavior, but most advertisers want to know if they also increase conversion. Marketers refer to the selling of a product or service as conversion.
Red and blue are used by half of all software development organizations, social media platforms, digital marketing agencies, and IT firms because they express strength/dominance (red) and security (blue)
For example, ketchup-flavored chips should always be packaged in red, salt-flavored chips should always be packaged in yellow, and so on. According to the study of Talia Wolf(conversion optimization), when the colour of the package changed, customers became confused, which resulted in a drop in sales. Another trustworthy study discovered that restaurants adopted a certain colour combination to increase customer desire, resulting in higher sales.
So yes, the right color combination used in the right way can increase sales.
Colors may provoke strong emotions in people, both positive and negative, and it’s up to marketers to use these feelings to sell their products. Just keep in mind that colour should be used in relation to culture, religion, socio-political associations, climate, gender, and age. We have a team of the best graphic designers who are imaginative and they are able to apply that imagination into their work. Our Creative team doesn’t just follow the crowd and the latest trends, they find inspiration in everyday objects and even themselves.
How to create an effective Facebook ad:
Among social media networks, Facebook is a giant. It leads its competitors with approximately 4 billion daily active users. Facebook is used by more than 60% of internet users. Therefore, It’s no surprise, then, that it’s a popular choice among marketers.
Facebook offers the most effective ad targeting system, in addition to its impressive reach. Businesses can use their ad targeting options to send ads to people who are most likely to buy their items.
The algorithm on Facebook not only supports businesses in achieving their marketing goals, but it is also helpful to their bottom line! It lowers the cost of getting a consumer for the business by ensuring that the proper audience sees your advertisements.
Hubspot and AdEspresso looked at over 100,000 Facebook ads from over a thousand different businesses to see what works and what doesn’t.
The findings of the Hubspot and AdEspresso study are as follows:
The type of ad
The majority of the 100,000 Facebook ads examined were Paid Post Link Click Ads, according to the study. You’ve probably seen Facebook ads that attract you with appealing imagery or content before prompting you to View More, Signup, Subscribe, or Download. The link brings you to the desired web page when you click on it.
These advertisements not only promote the brand and its products but also create an immediate response from your target audience. Other advantages of Facebook ads are:
The key marketing message is promoted.
The external website is promoted.
You can reach a big audience with the same ad, just as you can with the link ad with many placements.
They generate a high level of customer response and engagement, which leads to conversion.
They can also help your Facebook page get more likes.
What’s the bottom line? Paid post link click advertising is your best choice if you want to increase post engagement and drive traffic to your website.
Nowadays we have WhatsApp for mobile users as well.

The Length of the Ad:
What if we told you that our average attention span is only 8 seconds? It is likely considerably lower for teenagers. A marketer must be doing something well if they can get you to read your ad for more than 8 seconds! The same thing tik tok holds our attention. On the popular short-video app, young people are stirring through images and sounds at warp rate, repurposing truth into ironic, bite-size content.
According to an examination of these effective ad posts, ads with short headlines and concise information are more likely to gain user attention. In successful Facebook ads, 4-word headlines and 15-word descriptions are typical.
When writing your ad copy, keep the following guidelines in mind:
The length of the heading should not exceed 25 characters.
The content should be no more than 90 characters long.
The length of the link description should not exceed 30 characters.
In the same way, if you’re developing a video commercial, keep it short. On Facebook, 15- to 30-second video advertising performs the best.
What’s the bottom line? Keep your Facebook ads short, simple, and to the point.
The Ad’s Essential Components:
When writing mind-blowing ad copy, keep the following in mind:
What’s the best way to figure out who your target market is? Who would be interested in purchasing the item you’re selling? Market segmentation elements such as population, psychograph, and behavior, for example, should be as specific as possible.
Create buyer personas based on market analysis, then create ads targeted to each persona. (A persona is a mythical figure who serves as a guide to understanding the people who might be your target audience.)
Create a one-of-a-kind ad for each particular market. Micromarketing is the way to go in the future.
Test a few different designs before choosing the most successful one.
What’s the bottom line? Make sure your ad copy is focused on the customer (think micromarketing), creative, and original. (Micromarketing is an advertising approach that focuses on a small group of people in a niche market. Micromarketing is the technique of marketing items or services to a specific group of clients.)
We have a team dedicated to figuring out the ideal Facebook ad. We’re here to help you understand your alternatives so you can create better Facebook advertisements. Our team can create paid post link ads that will increase user engagement and traffic to your website.
Our team develops epic content that gets shared. As our team members can give you strong offers, you’ll have a better chance of creating an ad.